Calculators with Fraction calculations and conversions

Compare calculators featuring fraction calculations and conversions. Updated November 2024

#1 - CASIO fx-300ES PLUS

CASIO fx-300ES PLUS calculator with fraction calculations and conversions - Features: Natural textbook display for easy readability, Solar and battery-powered for versatility, Over 250 functions for comprehensive calculations
Brand: CASIO
Model: fx-300ES PLUS
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The CASIO fx-300ES PLUS is a versatile scientific calculator designed for students and professionals alike. With its advanced features, this calculator serves as an essential tool for performing complex calculations.

Key Features

  • Keypad with large buttons for ease of use
  • Adjustable brightness for display
  • Auto shut-off feature to save battery
  • Durable construction for longevity
  • Wide range of scientific functions for diverse needs

What We Think

The CASIO fx-300ES PLUS is a standout scientific calculator that strikes a perfect balance between functionality and ease of use. It is well-suited for high school and university students, as well as professionals who require reliable computational capabilities. One of its main strengths is the natural textbook display that allows users to input problems just as they appear in textbooks, making it an excellent choice for mathematics, science, and engineering courses. Additionally, the fx-300ES PLUS features over 250 built-in functions, which include everything from basic arithmetic to complex fractions and statistics. The dual power source—solar and battery—adds convenience, ensuring that you can rely on it in various situations without worrying about running out of power. Compared to similar models, such as the TI-30X IIS or the HP 10s+, the fx-300ES PLUS stands out for its user-friendly interface and multifunctional capabilities, providing exceptional value for anyone needing a dependable calculator. Whether you're solving quadratic equations or performing statistical analysis, this calculator takes the guesswork out of calculations.

Why Choose a Calculator with fraction calculations and conversions?

Calculators with fraction calculations and conversions functionality offer specific advantages for users who need this capability. Consider your specific needs and how this feature will benefit your calculations when making your choice. Our selected models above represent the best options available with this feature.